Monday, December 21, 2020

The Great Conjunction (Christmas Star) 2020

 For those of you that are monitoring the Great Conjunction and would like to hear some commentary from experts, you can watch it here.    

Monday, March 16, 2020

Del Aire Neighborhood Watch Meeting Postponed

I am sure this is no surprise to anyone and you all probably saw it coming.  

Our neighborhood watch meeting this month is postponed.  We hope to be back by the next meeting date.

In the meantime, we will attempt to provide as much information regarding crime and safety through our social medial sites.

Stay healthy everyone!!

James Ma
Del Aire Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Friday, February 21, 2020

We need community members to come to Metro next Thursday to help us get the Greenway Funded!

Hello Neighbors, 
In December the City of El Segundo applied for a grant assistance program with Metro that would allow us to develop the Greenway! Metro loves the project and wants to accept OUR Greenway project into the program but we first need to get a Letter from BNSF railroad stating that they know about the project. So, we need YOUR help. Next Thursday morning we need community members to attend Metro's monthly board meeting to ask for support from Metro working with BNSF to get this Letter and to let the Greenway project into the Metro grant program. 

Date: Thursday February 27th 

Time: MUST be present at 9:45 AM to put in Speaker Cards! (You do not have to speak but we need to show that we are a diverse, engaged community!)

Location: Downtown LA- LA County Metro Union Station (Tall Metro Headquarters building next to Union Station) at One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, 90012


Room: Metro Board Room on 3rd Floor

IF you can attend, Please email John Koppelman at and we can arrange a carpool or a Metro train "field trip" 

We can do this! 

-Del Aire Greenway2LA Committee